Scotland's youngest taxi driver
(David assures me that he is now 7 years old)
The Thomson Campion Family
A crowd suddenly appears from behind the bushes !!
The Campion Cork team
Happiness is..........going to Norway ??
Roisin and Ellie-Maeve
friends at last !!
The Holland Squad
with anchor man David
The Thomson team
Billy warms up..for his speech
Don't mess with the Karate Kid....Bruce( Mike) Lee
Poetry in motion ...Majestic Mercedes
Margaret Rose welcomes Mike
(but there is a big long list of preconditions !!)
Young Mr Thomson shakes off the cobwebs
Esther dances with her Dad
She is thinking "I hope Joe asks me to dance soon"
"Did you hear Esther and Mike got married".... "You cannot be serious !!"
The new Thomson triangle dance
is launched .
Billy "I think I need some more "
Baby Billy can't hold his drink (unlike his dad!!)
Roisin gives Mike some dancing lessons !!